It is known that a person normally loses up to 100 hairs per day. But if for some reason, the number of fallen hair is increasing, you may suspect the baldness. Men more frequently face this issue, and male hair loss usually starts from the forehead and parietal areas. If you have noticed a lot of hairs on your pillow in the morning, it is time to find out the causes of this and start adequate treatment.
There are a lot of reasons for hair loss. The most common ones are listed below.
#1 Hormonal imbalance

One of the primary reasons for the beginning baldness is a hormonal disorder in men and women. For instance, if a woman has an excess of male hormone (testosterone), it can lead to hair loss. Usually, the causes of hormonal imbalance lie in the disorders on the endocrine system or such diseases as diabetes, thyroid pathologies, etc. About 20% of women and 95% of men have baldness related to hormonal imbalance. One of the most effective ways to get rid of this type of baldness is hair transplant. There are a lot of hair transplant centres in Turkey. Click to choose the best hair transplant hospital.
#2 Weak immune system
Frequently, hair loss can be resulted of the infections or stresses that weaken the immune system. For instance, you have had flu in winter, and then you can start noticing your hair is falling out. Usually, the process ends in 3 months, when the roots recover. So, you need to eat proper food, get enough rest, lead a stressless lifestyle not to provoke hair loss.
#3 Drugs
Sore upon sore is not salve. Some drugs we take to treat diseases may influence hair and lead to its loss. One of the most aggressive ones is chemotherapy (it is assigned to cure cancer). However, some other medicines (for instance, those that help to cope with high blood pressure, depression, hormonal and neurological disorder, etc.) can also cause hair loss. So, consult a doctor and read the instruction carefully before taking medicines to avoid specific side effects.
#4 Vitamin deficiency
Weak, sparse, ratty hair is a symptom of a lack of vitamins. Often, the deficiency can be caused by a strict diet. However, it is frequent when the organism receives vitamins but not assimilates them. This may be related to some gastrointestinal diseases. In the case of vitamin deficiency, you observe how the hair is falling out from the whole head, not from some specific areas.
#5 Lack of iron
Iron-deficiency anemia is a condition when a human body lacks of iron, and a hair loss is one of its first signs. The deal is that blood circulation is affected, and the hair roots do not receive enough nutrition. So, it leads to their loss. Like in the case of vitamins, iron deficiency can be caused by dieting or problems with its assimilation. About 50% of people have lacks of iron in the organism. Women are at risk; especially, it concerns those during pregnancy or lactation. You can suspect iron deficiency if you also observe general weakness, apathy, drowsiness.
#6 Injuries or infections
Burns, wounds, inflammations, and dermatological diseases can cause follicles death. This is called traumatic alopecia, and it captures about 2% of all hair loss cases. On that occasion, the hair hardly recovers itself, and the only way is a hair transplant. During the procedure, a doctor will replace the damaged follicles with healthy ones, and your hair will grow up again.
#7 Stress

Tense situations at home or at work significantly influence our mood and health condition. Often, it is enough to get nervous just a little, and you will start noticing a hair loss. If stress is a one-time thing, the hair will recover very fast. But you are under pressure permanently, it can lead to more difficult consequences — even to total baldness. So, you have to avoid stress if it possible, otherwise you risk to lose the hair or even get more severe health problems. In the case, you cannot manage troubles at work or at home, seek for professional help.
Many factors can lead to hair loss. Enough rest or proper dieting can easy vanish some of them. However, in other cases, the best way is to consult a doctor and find adequate treatment together. In most of the cases, even advanced baldness can be corrected by medicines or surgery (hair transplant). But only a specialist can deal with a problem and give you advice.