Black Tequila

Black Tequila is a distilled alcoholic drink made from the blue agave plant native to Mexico. The drink's name is derived from the Aztec language word "tequilia. It was first produced in the 16th century near what is now Jalisco, Mexico. It is a simple, elegant and unique cocktail that combines the smoothness of tequila with the flavor and color of black sanding sugar, lime juice and triple sec The most common way to make tequila is by fermenting and distilling the sugars extracted from the agave plant. The second most common way of making tequila is by distilling ethanol with maguey sap instead of sugarcane. Tequila can be consumed straight, or in cocktails like margaritas and shots.

Spirit Used


1 ½ ounce Silver Tequila
1 ounce Triple Sec
1 ounce Lime Juice
1 ounce Cranberry Juice
½ ounce Lime Juice


1. Shake tequila. triple sec.
2. fresh lime juice and cranberry juice together with ice in a cocktail shaker.
3. Strain into a whiskey sour glass and squeeze a further wedge of lime on top.
4. Discard lime. and serve.

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