You have watched every show on your Netflix wish list, and you have made about a dozen loaves of banana bread. You texted everyone you know and probably a few people you don’t, and you finally put away those piles of laundry that were sitting on top of your dryer for weeks.
Now, as much as you don’t want to admit it, you are bored. Big time — when-will-this-COVID-19-quarantine-end? — bored.
While it is understandable that being cooped up in the house can lead to a serious case of cabin fever, you don’t have to submit to these unsettling feelings. For example, the following projects can keep you both productive and busy:
1. Plan Your Next Vacation, with a Twist
COVID-19 has been rough on the travel industry, as well as folks like you who adore going on vacation. For instance, you had to cancel your summer travel plans to see family and friends because you were uneasy about flying in a potentially germy aeroplane. If you are determined to get out and see people during the upcoming holiday season, use your quarantine time to think outside of the traditional travel-by-air box and come up with other ways to get from Point A to Point B.
For instance, if you have ever dreamt about owning an RV and love the idea of road tripping in style, use this time to work up a doable financial plan and take the plunge into the world of RV ownership. To make purchasing an RV as gentle on your budget as possible, work with a company such as USAA. It is currently offering some really competitive rates and flexible terms on its RV loan program. Once you own your own RV, you can use it for unlimited vacations down the road, and you can even set it up as a spare guest room for when people come to see you.
2. Start an In-Home Exercise Program
If you have heard the jokes about how everyone will be gaining the “COVID 19” during quarantine, and you have noticed that your pants are getting tight, you might want to find ways to exercise from the comfort of your living room or bedroom. Working out at home does not require an expensive bunch of home gym equipment—although if you do have an exercise bike or treadmill gathering dust, you could give it a try. If you Google “at home callisthenics” you will find dozens of tutorials that will show you how to do push-ups, sit-ups and other strength training exercises in your living room. Or, if yoga has always appealed to you but you have never had the time to try it, lists 15 of the best in-home yoga routines.
3. Tackle a Home Improvement Project or Two
After spending a lot of time in your living room binge-watching shows, you might have noticed a few things about the space that needs improving. Use this quarantine time to take the interior decorating bull by the horns and tackle some home improvement projects. Consider rearranging your living room furniture to see if you come up with a more user-friendly or attractive layout—you might find that the simple act of moving a few lamps around and switching your couch to another spot will make space look bigger and brighter.
You can also change out your artwork in a number of rooms to give your home a fresh look. This is also an ideal time to tackle your junk drawers by dumping everything out, tossing what you don’t need, and scrubbing the insides of the drawers. Other ideas include going through holiday decorations and creating a donation box for ornaments you don’t really care for, cleaning out your pantry and tossing expired items, or printing out photos for any unused frames you might have to lie around waiting to be put on display.

Use This Time to Your Advantage
Believe it or not, the day will come when quarantine will be over and we can all get back to a more normal existence. By spending the long days at home as productively as you can, you will feel more accomplished while also keeping boredom at bay.