Let’s start today’s post with a simple question; what can be more fun than getting back to basics and reacquainting yourself with nature? The answer is; not much. And since it seems like we are only getting further and further away from that connection that we once had with the earth and Mother Nature, more and more people arelooking to strengthen those bonds again.
For many folks, some of their happiest memories are spending time in the woods or mountains with their parents, grandparents, or other relatives or friends. Some people enjoyed camping with their scout groups. Others may have gone on trips with schools, churches, or other organizations.
And then there is a whole different group of people; those who have never been camping before in their lives. If this is going to be your first time sleeping under the stars out in nature, then there are few things that you will need to know first. There are also several accessories, as well as other equipment which you will need. Here are a few of the basic, but essential items you will need to enjoy your first camping trip:
Tents and Sleeping Gear
Unless you plan on renting a cabin (which isn’t really camping) you are going to need a place to sleep. Pop-up tents and sleeping shelters have become very easy to assemble and use. Don’t forget a comfortable and warm sleeping bag, especially if you are going during a time of the year when the temperatures get a little chilly after the sun goes down.
Featured Product: REI Camping Tents
Chairs and Relaxation Accessories
You will undoubtedly want a comfortable place to sit around and relax when you aren’t out hiking, fishing, or doing whatever other activity it is that you enjoy doing when camping. There are different kinds of specialty camping chairs designed for this type of use. They are usually very easy to fold up and store for travel when breaking camp.
Featured Product: Rio Camping Chairs
Cookware and Eating Utensils
Even if you plan on totally living off of the land by fishing and hunting, you will still need something to cook and eat with. Pots and pans for cooking over a campfire, on a portable BBQ pit, or some other cooking station will be required. Plates, forks, knives, and spoons will also be necessary. Of course, you could always pack a bunch of finger foods like sandwiches and hot dogs that you won’t need silverware for.
Featured Product: Front Runner Utensils
Ice Chests and Food Storage

You will also need something to bring all of that food in. Ice chests will be needed for anything you want or need to keep cold. But you may also want to make sure all of your other food is securely packed away as well. You don’t want any animals rummaging through your things while you are away from camp because you have easy-to-access food.
Featured Product: Backpackers Pantry Food Storage
Safety Gear and Emergency Kits and Supplies
While it might seem obvious to pack such accessories as flashlights, batteries, flares, maps, and a spare cell phone or radio, many first-time campers forget one or more of these items. In addition to these things, it is absolutely critical that you bring a first-aid/emergency kit as well. This should have all of the standard first aid supplies, as well as any special medicines or items you might need for your specific trip.